The Challenge of Charming

 I love the experience of  having God speak to me in a verse, when something related to it is happening in my life.guard my lips  As a Christian we face the challenge of being charming.  Set a guard over my mouth, Lord keep watch over the door of my lips.  (Psalm 141:3). I  saw this verse in my devotions this morning.

One of the cultural traits of people like me, who come from the  northeast coast, is that we speak plainly. No sugar coating, no political correctness. we just say it as it is. In mid-west and West coast culture, this is not considered charming.  People are occasionally offended, or consider my talk a little rude. I understand the disconnect, but I lean toward the practical side to it all. They will get over it. Sometimes it may take a little explanation to smooth things over.

Also I know that my  older generation can get away with occasionally brusque speech – because we are an older generation that ‘does not understand’.  Younger generations simply receive it as a sign of the times — and grudgingly tolerate it.

Guarded by Him

With all this said, Psalm 141:3 teaches me a lesson. God is encouraging me to use words that are guarded, by Him. I cannot do justice to my words the way God can. In addition, by having God keep watch ‘over the door of my lips’,  I have a double layer of protection: I can watch what I say, and God can watch what I say.

the challenge of gaurding lipsThis thought is a little crazy to me. “God, will you watch what I say?” I have always thought that I alone am responsible for what I say. Can God monitor my inner, verbal terrorist?  Can God tape my mouth shut when I am about to stick my foot in it? The psalmist in 141:3 has confidence that God can guard my mouth!

The challenge of charming

So, charming words by another name, is God being on guard over my mouth and helping with the words of my lips. It is a thought worth meditation, since it reminds me – we are not alone in the struggles of life we face every day. God is in in it with us.